Greetings All,
I found out that MyBlogLog Login was migrated to Yahoo Login. I have this feeling that the migration of the logins took place long time ago probably a few months ago but I noticed it only yesterday. I did not realize it because I am always log on 24 hours daily.
It is when I clicked my account link on top that it directed me to a Yahoo Login followed by myBlogLog Login. They are merging the 2 logins. Initially I got an error on my step 2. I felt very frustrated. Tried again but the same result keep repeating. I ended up emailing the support group. Only this morning that I am able to complete my MgBlogLog Login migration to Yahoo login.
It is strange when you receive no news about the migration at all from MyBlogLog. I wonder why there are no news to inform it’s members. Initially I thought Yahoo bought over MyBlogLog. Hahaha.. I felt so ignorant & stupid!
Here is the link about the news..
(Expired.. Link No Longer Active)
For those of you who are like me, always log on 24 hours daily, you should log out & login again to complete the migration to yahoo login. If you encounter error, please email the support for assistance.
The funny thing about it, all this while, I thought MyBlogLog is not under Yahoo services but they are. Yahoo are sure one BIG happy family.. Hahaha..
Muhammad Riduan Ramli (Uanz)
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