Ezine Marketing Strategy

Ezine marketing or advertising has always been useful to internet marketers but what are the strategy on doing ezine marketing successfully? Read on or listen below to find out more about this..



One of the greatest, untapped online advertising is that of ezines. The wonderful thing about ezine advertising is that it matches your product or idea to people with similar interests.

Not all ezines are successful ones. Associating yourself with quality ezines that produce results will help you immensely. Some ezines just take your money and don’t even run your ad despite all your email reminders. So if you are ignorant and impatient, you are most likely to end up with the wrong ezines some of which can even be unethical.

Write your ads and test them. Hire a professional if need be. A professional ad will pay off when you see its effect. Apart from this, research your target group. Determine who your prospects are, brainstorm for keywords they are likely to use to look for information. Do a keyword search to select the most appropriate words that suit your products and what your prospects are looking for.

Never pay to use Co-ops for your ezine advertising because they are difficult to track and you never know whether they will really run your ads or not. Look out for target group ezines. Store your subscription data in a separate folder to keep track. Create a separate email account dedicated for your ezine subscriptions.


Double opt-in ezines or those that require you to confirm your subscription are likely to be of better quality. This in turn means, better ad responses because the risk of bulk email addresses are far lesser.

After about a week of subscription, you should be able to see solo advertisements from other advertisers. Else, it is a new ezine or maybe there are no ads because of poor performance. Don’t waste your time with such ezines. Those sites with more than 2-3 ads a day are burning out! Keep away from those too. You don’t want more than one ad a day or maybe a week.

The subject line of the mail should be the ad in brief. It should not just state “solo ad by xyz”. This will just lead the subscriber to delete the mail without even opening it. Watch out for advertisements that repeat itself. This is a good sign as it shows that subscribers are responsive. Look through archives. If your ezine has a testimonial page, it is an added advantage.

If you have found an ezine with a waiting period of one month, then you have discovered a gem! The waiting period matters quite a lot in determining whether to run your ad in it or not.

Never advertise without using an ad tracker. An ad tracker helps you analyze where the traffic is coming from, how many visitors, how many sales per how many visits etc.

Run your ad twice. The response will be just as good the second time, as the first. The third time however, is not advisable because you have already caught most of your prospects in the first two ads. Provide a capture page where the visitors can leave their name and email address.

Keep a few ads in hand and rotate them. Don’t publish the same ad back to back.

Keep building on and make space for more profits coming your way!



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2 responses to “Ezine Marketing Strategy”

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  2. Uanz Avatar

    thanks for the feedback.. will look into it..

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