List Building Secrets

As you know, e-mail has made some people small fortunes and others huge fortunes. It’s common knowledge that if you know how to build huge lists of subscribers you can make a killing financially. So what is List Building?

You have probably seen people that you know and respect generate loads of cash with nothing but e-mail. Many of these big list builders write about how much money they made in a single promotion and in some cases it’s a high 5 figures!

I’m sure that you’ll agree that anyone would love to make that much money that easily! On the same note, you will find many people saying e-mail doesn’t work and people that have lost money trying to build a list.

These people are either so negative they’ll never succeed or just don’t have the skill to make it happen. Things will be changing but they will actually be making things better for honest e-mail publishers.

It is harder to get your messages delivered but if you generate a list honestly and effectively you will profit.

“E-mail Is Dead!”

I am going to cover a common misconception about list building. Many “so called” gurus are claiming that e-mail is dead and that you need to find another way to contact your customers.

I am here to say this is complete BS.

E-mail is still profitable and will continue to be profitable for as long as the Internet exists. If e-mail were to go “dead’ as these guru’s have said, it wouldn’t be something you or I would see in our lifetimes.

So if you’ve heard that and worried, don’t. E-mail is here to stay and people saying that are actually good news for you.


Because they believe that and will be pulling out all of their list building efforts anytime. That means you can pick up where they left off and grab the subscribers that they left behind!

Why E-Mail Is So Powerful

While there are many people who understand the power of e-mail and profit from it every day, there are many who don’t.

I routinely get questions like this…

“Why is e-mail so profitable? Can’t I just send people to my site from ads?”

“Isn’t e-mail just a big hassle that will get me spam complaints and headaches?”

I thought it essential that I answer these questions right now so you don’t have them floating around in your head.
The reason that e-mail is so profitable is because you can contact your subscribers “multiple” times.

That means if they don’t buy, you can follow-up and offer your services to them again! Testing has proven it takes 7-12 times of seeing your offer for most people to buy.

E-mail absolutely isn’t a hassle because it gives you the power to get people to your site with just the click of a button and if you build your list right, you won’t get spam complaints!

Make People Want To Hear From You

A question I’m asked on a regular basis is “do people really want to get e-mail from me?”

The answer is…

If you generate your subscribers properly, they will happy to receive your messages. Many people generate subscribers using deceptive tactics like “get this free newsletter” and all they do is send ads, no newsletter.

Here’s a secret that you’ve probably never heard before…

“If you are going to send them ads, tell them you are going to send them ads or “recommendations”. This means that if they signup they WANT to receive product reviews or recommendations and will be much more responsive.

If you trick someone by offering ads disguised as a newsletter, they are going to get mad, report you as spam and ignore your e-mail.

So list building has to be maintained with proper care & try to avoid tricking people in building your list. Do it honestly, you will definitely benefit from your list.

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2 responses to “List Building Secrets”

  1. Sue | Avatar

    Hi Uanz

    You’re right about email.

    If you build a list carefully and with respect, you can have a ready made customer base for future use.

    Good luck.


  2. Muhammad Riduan Ramli (Uanz) Avatar

    Yup.. very true indeed.. building a list do need a little bit of skills… It is not as easy during the old days..

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