Why You Need A List?

Greetings All,

I have read a few eBooks on List building & here is the simplest explanation to why you need a list..

Quote from “Build A List Now” eBook:-

“It’s surprising to me that I often have to convince someone that they really do
need to start and manage a mailing list.

You may have heard the often repeated Internet marketing mantra: ‘The
Money is in the List! and it really is true.

If you’re selling something, providing a service or managing a content
website ! you do need a mailing list.

When it comes to your website, every web page has a Primary Function – it
exists to entice your web visitor to do something. You want them to read an
article, act on your recommendations, buy your products or hire you for a
service that you provide.

Every web page should also have a Back Up Function – and the major back up
function of every page should be to entice visitors to sign up for your


Once you have their email address – you have the ability to market to them
again and again. It is the start of a beautiful relationship!

Statistics show that very few people make purchases from a website on their
first visit. But, the fact that they are there at all says that they are interested in
what you have to offer so you need to make a way to keep in touch with these
potential customers.”

That really simplifies the importance of list building.

Till next time..

Muhammad Riduan Ramli (Uanz)
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