You Are Certainly Not A Leader in Network Marketing

Greeting All,

So now, what is the real definition of a leader in network marketing? Are you the leader that people are looking for? Are you? I am sure many of us are still trying to find out the answer to that. Some even self declare themselves as leader even without knowing what the true definition of a leader.

This is what I know of to the true definition of a leader. In fact, there are 3 definitions all together.

Leaders are professional students of the business particularly in network marketing. We are all students of network marketing. Actually they read manuals or procedures of their business. They listen to audios, read books, attend seminars, attend conventions & always together with their upline. They are easy to spot when you attend a seminar. They study hard on the business. In fact, if you are reading this article, you yourself are a potential leader. You are always on the edge looking for new ideas & informations.

A leader is someone who is able cover you when you are away on holidays. This leader will take over your role of hosting a opportunity meeting, making sure everything is fine & running smoothly. They pay for the room rental & conduct trainings. Leaders will do all that without any motivation from you. In fact, they would love you go on holidays forever so that they can take the responsibility away from you. The best thing is that you are not worried leaving the job to this leader.Definition#3
This is toughest of all. A leader will be able to handle problems. This separates the so called leaders from real leaders. A simple test is that will the problems in your leader’s downline escalate all the way up to you? If it does, this so called leader is not a leader because he is unable to solve a problem within his team. He seek your help & expertise to solve the issue.

With the combination of the 3 definitions, we now know what qualities a leader should have. Well, that’s an achievement today but we need to move on to the next topic.

Now that we know what a leader should be, where do we find them? This will be discuss in the next topic or post.

Muhammad Riduan Ramli (Uanz)

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5 responses to “You Are Certainly Not A Leader in Network Marketing”

  1. Jeff Avatar

    Good information. Find very few that actually study. Most ‘leaders’ just brag and keep moving.

  2. Muhammad Riduan Ramli (Uanz) Avatar

    Very true my friend. Network marketing Leaders are hard to find nowadays..

  3. Melina Avatar

    very interesting. i’m adding in RSS Reader

  4. pedagang Avatar

    yes, i also,,

  5. Muhammad Riduan Ramli (Uanz) Avatar

    Thanks.. Hope you like the post.. 🙂 Do come again..

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