Greetings All,
Pop Up in my opinion is just full of crap. You are surfing a particular interesting site when suddenly out of no where, another site just came up to your face. What an irritating moments that is. Let’s face it. Pop Up actually do work well for most business. It is the most powerful advertising method to expose you to their products or opportunity. BUT due to its irritating nature in its form, many browsers & internet service provider had installed anti-pop up to kill this kind of advertising. However, there is one new technology which are able to go around the pop up killers. A new Pop Up technology – The Impact PopUp . See how it works on my site.
What you need to create effective popups is a something new. Something that is just as effective as a traditional popup, but smart enough to not fall prey to popup blocking technology. That is exactly what “Impact PopUp ” does!
You see, this new method of creating dazzling popups doesn’t create a new window of any kind. In fact, it’s actually part of your web page itself!
What can you use it for?
-Your Product’s Most Important Feature
-Special Discounts Or Promotions
-An Important bodysmall
-Contest & Sweepstakes Announcements
-Product Updates
-Opt-in List Building
-Traffic Control
-Up Selling & Cross Selling
-Affiliate Product Promotion
It is fairly easy to setup the pop up. Even a kid can do it.
Step1 – There are 10 professional designed graphics. Choose One.
Click to Enlarge Picture
Step2 -The most important part. The creative side. You can tilt the words at certain angle. You can choose the fonts, its size. you can choose different close buttons. Superb!
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Step3 -This step is for you to tell the pop up what to do. When you click what does it do.. Point it to open a site or make the pop up disappear after a few seconds. You even have luxury of where to place the popup in your site. Cool..
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Step4 -This is a preview of the exact pop up looks like & how they react.
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Step5 -This is where you find the code to install the popup. There are two ways doing it. You can save it to your hardrive & then upload them to your server or simply adding the code to your new or old html file.
Click to Enlarge Picture
Uanz Summary,
I have to say that this new pop up technology is amazingly good. Nice looking pop ups. So this is a thump up for Impact PopUp .
Muhammad Riduan Ramli (Uanz)
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