Greeting All,
Today will be a topic for all internet marketer out there in the cyberland. Link cloaker is one of those important thing that any internet marketer need to know. I have found a very useful tool needed by every internet marketer. Let me introduce the Power Link Generator .
Many cases found in most internet marketers is that when they use an affiliate ID from certain program they promoting, they are given an promoting URL together with ID attached to it. Something like this.. or where XXXX is the affiliate ID.
The most common affiliate program Clickbank has an URL like where XXXX is the affiliate ID. Cheaters will most likely substitute the affiliate ID with theirs to earn commissions. The original person who advertise that link will not get the commission of introducing the product to the potential cheaters.
Another problem is that the affiliate URL is most of the time super ugly. Some are long with funny characters.. Something like this.
That is super ugly & most potential customers will run & will not click on them. That is why many internet marketers nowadays failed to make money from affiliating products.
Power Link Generator will solve this problem faced by many internet marketers. Here is a picture of how the script work. Click picture to enlarge.
As you can see.. Power Link Generator works very well. The cloaked URL are mask over the original URL. The cloaked URL is better looking, looks more professional & more appealing for potential customers. Let’s now see the back office of Power Link Generator .
Click picture to enlarge.
This is the Login page of Power Link Generator . Very user friendly & straight forward.
The back office has link which leads to member page of Power Link Generator , affiliates, news & release news.
The Power Link Generator works well with or without Sql database. This page is the profile page which allows you to change your username & password. If you are using the sql database, you need to fill up the sql database username & password.
You need to create the database in MySql first. However if you don’t know what Sql database is about, use the txt format. Easier but if the txt file is missing, you will have problem. You need to make a backup on that txt file.
This page is showing the campaigns you already have created. From this page itself, you can edit, delete & even clone the campaign. That’s nice. Here, you can also track your hits of all your links created.
In this create campaign page, you will find many good features of this software. One of the best features is that you can bypass a squeeze page or opt in page of the website you promoting & straight to the salepage or even your own squeeze page instead. Why must you give your visitors to them when you can have them for your own. Remember the money is in the list. Build your list always.
Another interesting features is that you can incorporate the popup after exiting or you can do an under popup. Another way where you can have 2 products promotion using just one site. Isn’t that great?
The other features worth looking at is the cloak URL. This will prevent visitors seeing the original URL but your campaign URL. This is another great features of Power Link Generator .
& if you bought & become affiliate of Power Link Generator , & while you using this script for your other affiliate promotion, you can attached a viral strip bar at the top or bottom to advertise the Power Link Generator . So instead of promoting your affiliate products, you can advertise Power Link Generator at the same time. Superbly sweet! Double commission!
The last features is that you can store you affiliate program URL, username, password, the vendor’s name & email for easy access when you want to check your campaign stat.
In summary, this is a great tool to have for anyone. The features of Power Link Generator is extraordinary superb. Don’t wait anymore. This is the very first product you should have if you want to become an internet, affiliate or network marketer. This script can be install in many domains that you own.
This is worth buying definitely. Great software.
Muhammad Riduan Ramli (Uanz)
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