Uncle Sha Athlete MELAYU BOLEH!

Greeting All,

What a day today.. after changing my WordPress Theme & fine tuning the rest, I managed to surf the internet like usual & accidentally stumbled on Uncle Sha’s blog. Ok.. Ok.. I lied.. I got to know him from friendster.. which lead to him founding my site & through mybloglog, I eventually stumble his nice looking blog.

In this post however, I will be doing a review about Uncle Sha’s nice looking website.. or rather a blog which has a unique theme “MELAYU BOLEH” attached to his site. What does Melayu Boleh means? I’m a Malay so I know the meaning quite well.

Melayu means Malay which is actually referring to a race of people from Asia particularly from Singapore & Malaysia.. Boleh means Can in English.. If you mix the two english words together, it may sounds funny.. But in the Malay language, it means Malays can do it! Yeah with the exclaimation mark! Hahaha..

Now back to the review. Uncle Sha is actually an athlete. Give him any track & he would love to run. Haha.. Just kidding.. I am serious though about him as an athlete.. He keep a record of all running events such as 80m, 100m & so on.. MELAYU BOLEH! I just got to say that coz everytime I say it, I become very creative & motivated.. Hahaha..

Hmmm.. One more thing here.. Why is he calling himself Uncle? He is not that old.. In fact, I’m older than him by 1+ year.. Haha.. Why ah? Well.. ask the Mat MELAYU BOLEH yourself!

Anyway his blog is mainly dedicated to the Malays in Singapore, Malaysia & some might even say Batam.. Hahaha.. Just kidding.. Not in Batam.. That’s Phua Chu Kang talk. I’m just being playful.. Seriously, if you want to know more about the MELAYU BOLEH mindset, you just got to visit MELAYU BOLEH now! So what are you waiting for?? Goo.. Goo.. Goo..


Muhammad Riduan Ramli (Uanz)

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2 responses to “Uncle Sha Athlete MELAYU BOLEH!”

  1. yanni Avatar

    ok shah need to buy one coffee for you already. im sure he likes the post.. 🙂

  2. Muhammad Riduan Ramli (Uanz) Avatar

    Ehhmmm.. Hahaha.. ya.. where’s my coffee?? lol.. anyway.. good for him lah.. anyone else want me to give review?? hahaha..

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