Uanz Latest Updates..

Again, I’m very sorry for not updating my blog. It’s been a month plus ago since I did any update here. Well, there’s always a reason for that. I was busy at school but the actual reason is because I purposely refused to update it. Get it? Haha..

ok.. here’s why.. The fact is I’m struggling battling with myself. My emotions & sorrows.. which is indirectly related to HER & my daughter.. It’s a long story about me & my thoughts. There is one time that I was so down that I feel like ending my life. Luckily, I still believe in my religion & Allah swt. If not I won’t be writing this updates & probably now be under the ground 7 feet below. Haha..

Right now, my divorce proceeding is c0ming to an end this coming Friday on the 4th Dec 09. We are the mediation stage & if everything is been agreed upon between me & her, the divorce will take in effect the same day & I will be getting a new certificate. Certificate of Divorce!

A lot of things will happen after the Divorce. Sab & me will be selling the flat & I will be moving back to my parent’s place until I get my own place when I’m 35 years old. A lot of packing to be done. Haiz.. There is a possibility of a garage sale too as I need to clear away the big items in the house.

I will be taking 2 weeks annual leave in december from work, everything & everyone. I will be spending my time with my daughter Sheza for the 1st week & the 2nd week, I will be spending alone to rest my mind & thoughts doing self reflection cum meditation at some place (Shoo.. It’s a secret known to me only!) Haha..

So what else has happened this last 1 month plus? oh ya.. Surprisingly, I was appointed cluster leader for E5 cluster. Out of no where, my zone manager give me a surprised call to inform me of my appointment. I’m supposed to be assistant by an assistant cluster leader to help me but the position is still vacant. So currently, I’m a lone ranger trying to organise a cluster meeting at my school this coming Thursday on the 3rd Dec 09. Just my luck!!

I better stop here because I realised this update is getting longer & longer. Again, I promised to update more often from today since I’m more relaxed & more free now that the school is closed. Stay connected!!

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One response to “Uanz Latest Updates..”

  1. Uanz Avatar

    Just realised my English grammar is all over the place!! Opps.. this is the outcome of “write without checking!!” & I’m lazy to edit/rephrase the post.. Hahaha.. so pardon me!!

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