(Information Expired.. Link No Longer Active -Updated 22 Oct 2015)
Remember this date : 2nd October 2008, 12 Noon EST (Golden Thread Live!)
Project Title: Michael Cheney’s Golden Thread
Category: 2nd Golden Thread Case Study
Here is a new Golden Thread Cash Cannons latest case study for you to learn & absorb the teaching..
I think you are going to *love* this case study about Swiss student Matt who became a cash king by making $20,419 in just 27 days using Cash Cannons.
& Yes! you still get the mp3 version, the interview transcript & most importantly the case study mind map.. the detailed things the student did to make that kind of cash in a short time.
Here to link:-
What? this the second case study? Where’s the 1st case study? ok.. I guess maybe you have miss my 1st case study email.. but don’t worry.. I still got the link..
Case Study 1
Mom Makes $1041.80 per Month with Hands-Free Web Page
Case Study 2
Swiss College Kid Becomes Cash King $20,419 in 27 Days
So that’s it for Golden Thread Cash Cannons Update.. Stay tune for more case study coming up..
Don’t go away.. there’s more..
By the way, if you missed the actual Michael Cheney ‘s Golden Thread product review , here’s the link below:-
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