Just a blog about me and my family.

  • Why You Need A List?

    Greetings All, I have read a few eBooks on List building & here is the simplest explanation to why you need a list.. Quote from “Build A List Now” eBook:- “It’s surprising to me that I often have to convince someone that they really do need to start and manage a mailing list. You may…

  • I’m Back & What The Heck!?

    Greetings All, First of all, I am very sorry for not updating this blog. It’s been a month over with no updates. Reason being I just too busy with work & family. Further more, I am also starting a new job. I have always like computer related stuffs & this new job involves things I…

  • My List Revealed

    Greetings All, As promised on my previous post, I will reveal my total subscribers since May 2007. It is not that big, quite small actually. All subscribers collected are from 3 email marketing campaigns. Total subscribers = 452 Yeahh.. very small.. hahaha.. someday I will master this skills of list building.

  • The Money Is In the List

    Greetings All, Many many successful marketers insist that money is in the list. What do they mean by that? So right now now, I am in the process of building my own list. I have a couple of hundreds of subscribers through a couple of my email marketing campaigns using GetResponse service. In this few…

  • Free LifeTime Membership At ElistSecret.com

    Greetings All, (Offer Expired.. Link No Longer Active) I am going to be very generous today. I have decided to give all my readers a chance to get a free lifetime membership to a very good site which deals with list building. All successful internet marketers knows that list building is a must to be…

  • Google PageRank Update

    Greetings All, What a surprise when I saw my Google Toolbar yesterday.. It displayed a 3/10 PageRank for this blog.. It only shows that Google has recently updated its database. I was not sure when it displayed 3/10 ranking. I did a check on a few PR checkers in the internet. It is true that…

  • Relax & Listen Part 3

    Greetings All, Here is part 3 of this special audios for you guys to relax & listen. There are two audios are taken from articles written by Dr Joe Vitale & Jason James. The audios are spoken by a professional speaker. Audio 1: By Jason James titled “Hot Ebay Business Ideas” [audio:JJhotebaybusinessideas.mp3] Audio 2: By…

  • The Birth of My Daughter Aria Sheza

    Greetings All, I am so sorry for not posting the updates of my new born baby girl Aria Sheza. Ever since she as born on the 18th October 2007 @ 0918 Hrs at KK Children & Women’s Hospital in Singapore, I was pretty busy adjusting myself towards the newest member in my family. She was…