Just a blog about me and my family.
Why Would Anyone Ever Choose MLM?
Greetings All, There is a lot of talks about MLM & many pessimistic opinions on the subject of MLM but why is there so many people joining them? Why Would Anyone Ever Choose MLM in the first place? Basically it boils down to 4 main reasons to why this is happening. Reason#1 – Making Money…
Cik Idris Solemnization Ceremony
Greetings All,Last night event was my uncle’s marriage for the 2nd time. His wife past way around two years ago due to uncured sickness. I am happy to see him happy again & he deserve a companion for the rest of his life. I just have to wish him all the best & hopefully he…
MLM Worst Type of People To Avoid
Greetings All, It is Saturday today & had just came back from my uncle’s wedding, his second marriage after his wife’s death two years ago. Good for him. Today’s topic is not about my uncle’s marriage but about the main topic for this blog, MLM Network marketing. His story will be in next post. Today,…
Uanz & Sab Fish Pie Cooking
Greetings All, Ahaks.. Got something special today for all of you. Let me introduce a famous chef ME!! Chef Uanz..!! Hahahaha.. Just kidding.. A few months ago, we (my wife & me) tried to cook fish pie originated from the real chef Jamie Oliver. We recorded it on video & walla for your amusement, please…
Other MLM Common Mistakes to Avoid
Greetings All, I have noticed today is Friday the 13th. Hahaha.. Kind of Bad day is it? Never mind that. Today will a short post. Let me continue on the other MLM common mistakes a distributor might face. Again, please relax yourself & absorb as much as you can. Mistake#1 – Scared of Uplines These…
Success University Vs Trump University
Greetings All, Success University Vs Trump University.. What a great way to start. I was comparing 2 great Universities which deals with entrepreneurship studies on Success. Both universities deals with personal development which leads to Success in what ever your goals is. Before I continue on differentiating the two universities, let’s compare them on Google’s…
Advertlets Blog Advertiser in Asia
Greetings All, I have been blogging for almost 3 months now & decided to monetize my blog. So there I was googling in the internet looking for a suitable blog advertiser. Found a few but most of them not in Asia region. Apply to some of the programs but they got criteria which involve factors…
Non-Newbies MLM Common Mistakes
Greetings All, Let’s me continue on Non-Newbies MLM Common Mistakes. Before I continue, the contents below is not totally mine. It is from a great ebook which I think distributors of any MLM company should have & since I got PLR (Private Label Rights) to the ebook, I am allowed to share with you guys.…